Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Narrative Essay

                On 27th May, I went to Afgan’s concert in Taman Ismail Marjuki with my friends, Inas and Almas. We went there at 4 pm by car. On the middle of our way, there was a traffic which caused by an accident. As a result we were stuck in the traffic for 1 hour and we were late to came to the concert.
                At 7 pm, we arrived at Taman Ismail Marjuki, Jakarta. My friends and I immediately went to the gate for gave our ticket to the crew and after that we entered the hall. There was a big stage inside it and looked a lot af audience who wanted to see Afgan’s performance in his birthday celebration concert. The audience started to scream out while Afgan and his band played the music and sang his first song to open the concert. In that concert Afgan sang almost 11 song from his album. One of them is “Jodoh Pasti Bertemu “ . The concert was very crowded and there were a lot of surprises in that concert.
                Around 11 pm, the concert was was over. After that, there was press conference between Afgan and all media who came to his concert. Beside that, there were a lot of afganisme who waiting for him to take a photo or just want to meet with their idol.
                Than 1 hour after the press conference, the audience dispersed in an orderly. There were no commotion and everything went securely. And finally, we went back to home with a sense of satisfaction.

                I felt so happy because I can met with my favorite singer and sang together with all afganisme . From that concert, I got a lesson if one day we have a big show or concert, we should do the best and give different performance for all audience who come to our show. So, they will feel satisfied and wouldn’t easily forget with your great performance.

Indoesian Culture and Tourism Object

                Indonesia is an archipelago in Asia contient. The location of Indonesia is very strategic. There’re many foreigner often come to there. Indonesia is also being one of  beautiful and reach country. It has a lot of cultures and tourism object in every region.
                There are many culture that we can find in Indonesia. First, we can find many traditional dance in this country. For instance, Piring dance from West Sumatra, Kecak dance from Bali, Jaipong dance from Central Java, etc. Secondly, we also can find a lot of Indonesian art performances. For example like the theater of Ramayana, Rama and Sinta, Ludruk, etc.
                Indonesia has also a lot of tourism object that we can visit.  First, we can find some historical places in Java island. One of them is Borobudur temple which has become the seven wonders of the world. Beside in Java Island, we can also find some beautiful natural tourism like in Toba Lake, Samosir Island, Rinjani Mount, Bromo, Raja Ampat, etc.

                So, from the fact that we have known, we have to be proud as an Indonesian because It has a lot of cultural wealths and natural beauty. From the differences that we have, we have to keep all wealths that our country has by loving and preserving cultural and wealths of Indonesia.

Laporan Penjualan Cireng Rujak

A.   Latar Belakang
      Usaha adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan tujuan memperoleh hasil
      berupa keuntungan, upah, atau laba usaha. Dan keuntungan dari usaha tersebut
      dapat menghasilkan uang yang dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup seseorang.
      Banyak cara yang dilakukan oleh seseorang dalam memulai atau menjalankan       kegiatan usaha seperti membuat sendiri produk yang akan dijual. Kegiatan ini lebih    
      banyak kelebihannya dibandingkan dengan sistem atau kegiatan usaha 
lainnya. Selain  
      karana produk yang dijual lebih berfariatif, cara ini juga lebih 
mudah dalam menargetkan
      laba dengan total produk yang akan dijual ke 
konsumen. Dari penjelasan latar belakang
      tersebut maka kami tertarik untuk 
melakukan kegiatan usaha dengan menggunakan cara
      membuat sendiri produk 
yang akan dijual. Dalam hal ini, produk yang akan kami tawarkan
      adalah jajanan 
pasar yaitu berupa “cireng rujak”.
B.   Produk
      Produk yang dijual dalam usaha ini adalah jajanan rakyat yang sudah tidak asing
      dengan lidah orang Indonesia dan juga bisa ditemukan dimana saja yaitu cireng,
      namun dalam produk ini kami menambahkan bumbu rujak sebagai daya tarik
      untuk membedakan dengan produk cireng lainnya.
Jarang sekali kita temukan
cireng yang di satukan dengan bumbu rujak dan itu adalah kelebihan dari produk

C.   Proses Produksi Barag Dagangan
Proses produksi  cireng rujak yang kami jual ini dilakukan oleh pihak pertama dan kami merupakan pihak kedua yang menjual barang tersebut dari pihak pertama (reseller).

D.    Laporan Persediaan Awal Barang Dagangan
Total cireng keseluruhan 20 bungkus
@20x Rp. 20.000 = Rp. 400.000

E.   Laporan Akhir Dagangan
-         Tempat Penjualan : Kami melakukan penjualan di jl.Juanda setiap minggu.  Kami memilih tempat tersebut karena tempatnya banyak di kunjugi oleh banyak orang yang sedang jalan pagi dan olahraga.

                                                                    Rp. 400.000

F.    Laporan Akhir
     Total Barang awal                 @20x Rp. 20.000 = Rp. 400.000
      Terjual                                    @20x Rp. 20.000 = Rp. 400.000

-         Keuntungan
Cireng rujak (per 20 bungkus @ isi 8 buah )
Untuk per produk  = harga penerimaan – harga pengeluaran
      = Rp 400.000 – Rp 338.000  =  Rp 62.000
-         Kerungian
Kegagalan = (0%x Rp.20.000 = 0-,)

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